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PFML is Not a Partisan Issue (Santa Fe New Mexican)
This election cycle, Missouri, Alaska and Nebraska put paid sick leave on the ballot, and in all three states, voters approved the measures by wide margins. Most voters in those same states also cast their ballots for President-elect Donald Trump. While that may come...
OPINION: Lawmakers must see that PFML access means life or death for many (Albuquerque Journal)
In the past month, I have been hospitalized while undergoing a lifesaving bone marrow transplant. The three months after my transplant will be critical to whether or not I live and may determine the quality of life I will have in the future. I walk the halls of my...
Five Ways Paid Family and Medical Leave Will Benefit New Mexico
Lawmakers must take this historic opportunity to put New Mexico on a brighter path. November 1, 2024 Photo of the New Mexico State Capitol building Last year, a broad coalition of advocates came within two votes of passing the Paid Family and...